Elevate Your Software Solutions

Transform your business with cutting-edge software development from the heart of Zagreb.

Our services

man using MacBook

Web Application Development

We build customized web applications to meet your specific business needs, providing seamless user experiences.
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black flat screen computer monitor

Mobile App Development

We create mobile applications that are user-friendly and optimized for different platforms, helping you reach your target audience.

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laptop computer beside monitor with keyboard and mouse

Software Testing and Quality Assurance

Our expert team ensures the reliability and functionality of your software through comprehensive testing and quality assurance processes.

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About us

Welcome to Kortex Global, a leading software development company based in Zagreb, Croatia. With a team of talented professionals, we are dedicated to delivering innovative solutions to meet our clients' needs.

At Kortex Global, we strive for excellence in every project we undertake, ensuring high-quality results and customer satisfaction. Trust us to bring your ideas to life through cutting-edge technology and expert craftsmanship.

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Our Clients

Kortex Global is the preferred partner for innovative solutions in diverse industries worldwide.

Get in touch

Send us a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Email: [email protected] 

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